Best Entrance Book For CEE || Common Entrance Exam

After 12 exams most difficult phase for biology stream students is to choose their field according to their interest. You can find many books in the market but at the very first moment, your first task is to choose the best entrance book for CEE.

As you made your mind in Medical you have to pass entrance which seems tough. It becomes hard if proper guidance and methods of tackling exams are not taken.

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DON’T MISS Syllabus of MBBS Entrance Exam CEE

The question in the entrance seems to be conceptual rather than difficult. Most importantly, the question arises from the syllabus of 11 and 12 class contents so you should give your main focus towards your +2 courses.

Grade 11 and 12 Books: 1st priority

Thoroughly, revise each and every chapter of your +2 courses. Practice all questions and give more focus on the conceptual equations, numerical parts. However, you must not worry about proving long derivation. To crack your entrance exam you must go through these books  again and revise them multiple times

  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

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Best Entrance Book for CEE of Physics

Physics holds 50 marks questions in the entrance exam. These 50 marks are also divided into different topics. The most important topics are listed below:

  • Mechanics
  • Heat and thermodynamics
  • Geometrical optics and physical optics
  • Current electricity and magnetism
  • Sound waves, electrostatics and capacitors
  • Modern physics and nuclear physics
  • Solid and semiconductor devices (electronics)
  • Particle physics, source of energy and universe

These all topics are all elaborated in “Modules of Physics” with proper descriptions and needed contents.

Modules of Physics

All these topics are divided into 3 modules book. Module 1, 2 and 3


  • These modules contain all require syllabus for entrance exam.
  • Each chapter contain basic theory related to that topic at the starting of the chapter.
  • Describtion of each topic with highlight on the main focusing contents are provided which makes easy for examine to prepare.
  • “Read and Digest” is main beauty of these modules as here all required topic are enlisted in pointwise manner which is easy to understand . Similarly, to need to read long chapter if you have already completed those points.
  • Old questions of previous years medical entrance exam are kept in these books.
  • Not only questions these books contains answer with its explanations.

Best Entrance Book For CEE of MAT

Mental Agility Test (MAT) acquire 20 Marks of question in Entrance exam which include problem related to topic likes

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Logical sequencing
  • Spatial relation / Abstract reasoning

However, each topic is divided into questions of 5 marks.

Book names as “Easy Approach To MAT” is available in the market which is referred to as the best book for MAT. As it covers all types of questions that have more possibilities.

Easy Approach To MAT

This book is published by Samikshya Publication. Likewise, the Authors of this book are Hari Shankar Yadav, Mohan Acharya. The latest edition in the market is the 5th edition.

  • Publisher: Samiksha Publication
  • Author: Hari Shankar Yadav, Mohan Acharya
  • Edition: 5th
  • Published Year: 2020
  • Pages: 724


  • This Book is considered as Best Entrance Book For CEE because of its outstanding features which cover all medical entrance (MBBS, BDS, BSc. nursing and Allied Science Entrance)
  • It consists of old set questions and 22 pratice set questions with proper explanation and hints
  • It contains a lot of memory-based question requires for MAT.
  • Covers all syllabus of entrance exam

Best Entrance Book For CEE of Biology [Botany and Zoology]

Biology is most important subject in cee entrance exam as most of the question belongs to this subject.Out of 200 marks, 80 marks questions are from biology. However, 40 marks questions come from Zoology and the remaining 40 marks come from botany.

Best Entrance Book For CEE for botany is “Illustrated  Botany” and for zoology “Illustrated  Zoology” is provided to you.

Module of Botany

Each topic is enlisted in the syllabus of cee in this book. Those topics are mentioned below:

  • Basic component of life and biodiversity
  • Ecology and environment
  • Cell biology and genetics
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Developmental and applied botany

Module of Zoology

Likewise, this module also possesses all the important chapters needed for preparation for exams. Eventually, You can easily crack entrance exam. Topic covered in this module are listed here:

  • Biology, origin and evolution of life
  • General characteristics and classification of protozoa to chordata.
  • Plasmodium, earthworm and frog,
  • Human biology and human diseases
  • Animal tissues
  • Environmental pollution, adaptation and animal behavior, application of zoology


  • Every topic of the syllabus is described in these modules.
  • Each chapter starts with a brief basic theory, after that each theory is properly described according to the entrance exam point of view.
  • Read and digest attract learners to grab more knowledge in a short time.
  • At last Past questions are also attached with it.

Best Entrance Book For CEE of Chemistry

Out of total marks, 50 marks question arises from chemistry. However, 50 marks is also divided into 3 different topic which are

  • General and physical chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry

From General and Physical Chemistry 18 marks question arises in the exam. Likewise, it is similar to organic chemistry. However, for inorganic chemistry paper contains 14 marks questions.

For chemistry “Modules of Chemistry” is available which covers all syllabus of the entrance exam.

Modules of Chemistry

Best Entrance Book For CEE of chemistry include 3 modules of chemistry book which contain all contents which are needed for the test. These books are provided by the medical entrance exam institute at the time of admission. There is no need to buy an extra set of books. As all books have the same content and the same set of collections.


  • Every topic of the syllabus is described in these modules.
  • Each chapter starts with a brief basic theory, after that each theory is properly described according to the entrance exam point of view.
  • Read and digest attract learners to grab more knowledge in a short time.
  • At last Past questions are also attached to it.

Complete solution set for entrance exam

This book is the best entrance book for CEE preparation as this book contains a number of sets for entrance preparation. The author of this book is Dr.Krishna Raj Adhikari.

This book contains all past set questions of IOM, Ku ,BPKIHS. It also contain 20 MAT practice set with solutions. 



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About the Author: bpooja

Bpooja is a content creator in She likes to write tips and tutorials on different kinds of difficulties that people face day in daily life.


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