CEE Model Question Paper Nepal 2021 [Download]

Common Entrance Examination (CEE) is now the major entrance examination for the participants willing to study medical education in Nepal. CEE is a part of medical entrance in Nepal organized by Medical Education Nepal (MEC). MEC is the organ of the Ministry of Education (MOE).

Earlier MOE used to take an examination of all the medical education-related subject courses in Nepal. Later due to work division and partition of regulative bodies, the responsibility is handed over to a new department and it is called MEC now.

Now, MEC carries out entrance examinations for all the medical entrance appearing participants. the participants must be registered by filling the form provided by MEC. After submitting the form for registration of entrance, an admit card is provided to the participants.

This makes the participants eligible for the entrance examination carried out by MEC. Then the entrance examination date is fixed by the MEC.

After the successful examination of MEC, the result publishing date is fixed and the result is published. Finally, a participant is changed to a medical student.

CEE Questions and Answers PDF Nepal

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CEE Nepal Questions and Answers 2021

1. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) Traumatology – study of hairs
b) Splanchnology – study of joints
c) Tectology – study of structural organization
d) Sitology – study of whale


2. The mammals evolved from the reptiles in the:
a) Creataceous
b) Triassic
c) Devonian
d) Carboniferous

3. What was the principal missing element in Darwin’s concept of evolution?
a) Knowledge of heredity and variation
b) Concept of missing link
c) Convincing of fossil records
d) Concrete evidence for the operation of natural selection

4. Nearest ancestor of Homo sapiens is:
a) Neanderthal man
b) Java ape man
c) Cro-magnon man
d) Peking man

5. Contractile vacuole is present in:
a) marine protozoans
b) fresh water protozoans
c) both a & b
d) parasitic protozoans

6. Silicoblast is one of the:
a) Porocytes
b) Scleroblasts
c) Thesocytes
d) Calcoblast

7. Gyanecophoric canal is found in some members of:
a) Cestoda
b) Trematoda
c) Turbellaria
d) Aphsmida

8. Embryonated eggs of Ascais is:
a) An egg with gastrula
b) An egg after 2nd moult
c) An egg with juvenile
d) An unfertilized eggs

9. Body with distinct head and segmented body bears parapodia are the characteristic features of class:
a) Polychaeta
b) Oligochaeta
c) Hirudinea
d) Archianeelida

10. Housefly has:
a) 1 pair of wings
b) 2 pairs of wings
c) 3 pairs of wings
d) None

11. Axial gland is the other name of heart in:
a) Molluscs
b) Echinoderms
c) Crustaceans
d) Annelids

12. Foramen of Panizzae is associated with:
a) brain of reptile
b) lung of lizard
c) brain of rabbit
d) heart of lizard

13. Recurrence of high temperature in malaria at intervals is due to completion of:
a) Erythrocytic schizogony
b) Sporogony
c) gamogony
d) Exo-erythrocytic schizogony

14. Motile, elongated zygote of Plasmodium is found in
a) RBC of man
b) Gut of mosquito
c) Liver of human
d) Salivary glands of mosquito

15. Septal nephridia of earthworm poured into:
a) Buccal cavity
b) Intestine
c) pharynx
d) body surface

16. Supra-pharyngeal nerves in earthworm:
a) 1 pair
b) 4 pairs
c) 8 pairs
d) 12 pairs

17. In earthworm, larger pair of seminal vesicles is located in segment:
a) 10th
b) 11th
c) 12th
d) 13th

18. The phenomenon of neoteny leading to a axolotl larva is exhibited by:
a) all amphibians
b) all birds
c) some birds
d) some amphibians

19. In frog, they gray crescent is visible in
a) ovulated egg
b) unfertilized egg
c) fertilized egg
d) immature egg

20. Spiral valve in heart of frog is present in:
a) sinus venosus
b) truncus arteriosus
c) auricle and ventricle
d) right auricle

21. Paneth’s cells are found in:
a) Crypts of Liberkuhn
b) Peyer’s patches
c) Organ of corti
d) Islets of langerhans

22. Most of Carbondioxide from cell respiration is transported in the form of:
a) carbonic acid
b) Bicarbonates of K and Na
c) Sodium bicarbonate
d) dissolved Carbon dioxide

23. The internal carotid artery:
a) supplies impure blood to kidney
b) supplies oxygenated blood to brain
c) brings impure blood from the brain
d) supplies oxygenated blood to heart

24. Unique feature of pectoral girdle is:
a) Acetabulum
b) Foramen of magnum
c) Glenoid cavity
d) Olecranon process

25. Which membrane is a part of embryonic contribution to placenta formation?
a) Allantois
b) Yolk sac
c) Chorion
d) Amnion

26. Glucose and 75% water is absorbed in:
a) PCT
b) DCT
c) Collecting tubule
d) loop of Henle

27. Action potential in nerve cell is created by:
a) potassium ions
b) chloride ions
c) sodium ions
d) calcium ions

28. The tectorial membrane is found in:
a) the eye of frogs
b) the eye of mammals
c) the ear of mammals
d) the tongue of frogs and mammals

29. Which of the following is responsible for ‘calcification of bones’ by stimulating osteoblastic activity?
a) Insulin
b) ADH
c) Parathormone
d) Thyroxine

30. The expulsion of completely, developed foetus from the uterus is known as:
a) ovulation
b) oviposition
c) Gestation
d) parturition

31. Step ladder pattern of fever is present in
a) Typhoid
b) Tuberculosis
d) Cancer

32. Testis is connected to the abdominal cavity by:
a) Inguinal canal
b) Gubernaculums
c) Rete – testis
d) Laurer’s canal

33. Lymphocytes that activate B cells and T cells are:
a) Activator B cells
b) Cytotoxic T cells
c) Macrophages
d) Helper T cells

34. Which of the disease is not transmitted by housefly?
a) Typhoid
b) Yellow fever
c) Cholera
d) Dysentery

35. The outermost layer of skin called stratum corneum is composed by:
a) completely dead and keratinized cells
b) living and most actively dividing cells
c) most of dead keratinized cells but some living cells
d) living keratinized cells

36. Nissl granules are found in cyton of nerve cells. These granules are made up of:
a) Proteins
b) DNA
c) Amino acids
d) RER

37. Multi-unit smooth muscles occur on the walls of:
a) stomach
b) intestine
c) large blood vessels
d) urinary bladder

38. Tendons and ligaments are:
a) epithelial tissue
b) muscular tissues
c) fibrous connective tissue
d) connective tissue

39. Which of the following is not adaptive feature in volant adaptation of birds?
a) Uricotelic excretion
b) Preen gland
c) Arteodactyly
d) Short tail

40. The daily cycle of a activity that occur over a 24 hours period of time is called as:
a) Taxis behaviour
b) kinesis behaviour
c) Circadian rhythm
d) stimulus response

41. Light microscope has
a) single lens
b) two lens
c) no lens
d) illuminance by light

42. A bacterium containing tuft of flagella at both ends is called
a) lophotrichous
b) amphitrichous
c) cephalotrichous
d) peritrichous

43. Naked virus does not contain
a) capsid
b) capsule
c) envelope
d) nucleoid

44. Little leaf of cotton is caused by
a) viroid
b) bacteria
c) fungi
d) virus

45. Universal pigments of all algae are
a) chlorophyll-a and xanthophylls
b) chlorophyll-a and carotene
c) chlorophyll-b and carotene
d) chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b

46. During zygospore germination in Mucor
a) only meiosis take place
b) only mitosis take place
c) meiosis is followed by mitosis
d) mitosis is followed by meiosis

47. The perichaetial leaf is
a) covering of archegonia
b) covering of antheridia
c) covering of capsule
d) sporophytic structure

48. Frond is
a) diploid
b) haploid
c) haploid or diploid
d) triploid

49. The wood of Cycas is
a) monoxylic
b) porous
c) pycnoxylic
d) manoxylic

50. Strawberry reproduces through
a) seed
b) root
c) stem
d) leaf

CEE Question Paper 2021 Nepal

Medical Entrance Exam Question Papers with answers PDF in Nepal can be found in this article and major things solved in this post are like below:

  • CEE Model Question Paper in Nepal
  • Medical entrance exam question papers with answers pdf in Nepal
  • Entrance exam questions Nepal
  • CEE Model Question Paper in Nepal
  • CEE question paper 2021 Nepal
  • KU MBBS entrance question papers with answers

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About the Author: bpooja

Bpooja is a content creator in bpooja.com.np. She likes to write tips and tutorials on different kinds of difficulties that people face day in daily life.


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